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Cornell University Mann Library, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA
http://mannlib.cornell.edu/news-eventsHow can environmental education contribute to urban sustainability? Programs that create learning opportunities that foster individual and community well-being in cities are crucial for the environment and quality of life.
Join us for a Chats in the Stacks book talk with Alex Kudryavtsev, extension associate, and Marianne E. Krasny, professor in the Department of Natural Resources at Cornell; coeditors of the new book Urban Environmental Education Review, part of the Cornell Series in Environmental Education (Cornell University Press | Comstock Publishing Assoc., June 2017). They will discuss novel educational approaches that can help practicing environmental educators, urban planners, and other environmental leaders achieve their goals to educate youth, build sustainable communities and improve the natural environments in cities. The book debunks common assumptions that cities are ecologically barren, and that people who live in cities don’t care about nature or a healthy environment.
Contributing authors include Shorna Allred, associate professor in the Department of Natural Resources, and Jacqueline Davis-Manigaulte, senior extension associate in the College of Human Ecology.
Light refreshments served.
The book talk series at Mann Library is supported by the Mary A. Morrison Public Education Fund.
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