Cornell University
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You are cordially invited to the 60th annual Cornell Topology Festival, which will be held in Ithaca, Friday May 2 – Sunday May 4, 2025. The program will have an emphasis on the topic of Algebraic K-Theory, will feature several one-hour talks, and will offer much opportunity for conversation. The meeting will begin with workshop talks aimed at introducing some of the main themes of the conference. The invited speakers will also participate in a panel discussion on recent developments in topology and related fields. Social activities will include two working luncheons and a picnic on Saturday.  For information and updates on the event go to the Topology Festival website.

Registration check-in begins on Friday at 10:30 and the first talks begin at 11:30.  Saturday and Sunday talks begin at 9:00.  Breakfast both days begins at 8:30.  For the schedule go to