Cornell University

129 Ho Plaza Cornell University: Ithaca, NY 14853, USA
Free Event

What does the Mongolian steppe sound like? A country of just over 3 million people with a vast expanse of land, Mongolia has produced a kaleidoscope of music over the past century. Central to the tapestry of Mongolian composers is Byambasurengiin Sharav, hailed as one of the founding fathers of the modern Mongolian sound. Linked inextricably to Mongolia's natural landscape, its mountains and rivers, and the nomadic pastoral lifestyle, Sharav's soundscape has shaped a generation of Mongolian composers. Throughout his life, Sharav drew on traditional music, most prominently the powerful, guttural singing style most commonly found in eastern and central Mongolia, long song (urtyn duu) and the Mongolian Horse Head Fiddle (morin khuur). The afternoon will feature Sharav's works for large ensemble and soloists, featuring guests Urtnasan Gantulga on Horse Head Fiddle and long-song vocalist Ganchimeg Badamsuren, conducted by Assistant Professor of Music Joe Lerangis. This concert is sponsored by the Society for the Humanities and the Department of Music, and is part of the Endless Steppe Project, an initiative founded by Lerangis and Dr. Shuree Enkhbold to foster musical exchange between Mongolia and the United States.




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