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Talk by Al Haj Khalifah U Aye Lwin (Religions for Peace Myanmar, Masjid Sujud Shah Utica NY)

Myanmar has a track record of forging unity in multiplicity, and Muslims have been an integral part of Myanmar society since the Pagan dynasty. Rohingyas were, in fact, prominent citizens, just like other Myanmar Muslims from different origins. They were recognized as full-fledged Myanmar citizens even by the military before the coup. However, when the entire nation started to oppose despotic military dictatorship, the junta projected Islam as a danger to Burmese nationalism. Myanmar Muslims became soft targets and easy prey. Rohingyas were the hardest hit among the Myanmar Muslims. Their citizenship was stripped off, and tens of thousands of them were hounded out of the country. Genocide and ethnic cleansing were the order of the day. Rohingyas are targeted as a danger to Burmese Buddhist nationalism by the military, and native, often pious Myanmar Buddhists who have (often) been brainwashed and indoctrinated to hate them. Multifaith leaders in Myanmar were trying to alter the stereotyped rhetoric with the help of broad-minded leaders when the country was faced with yet another military coup. Nevertheless, faith-based leaders in Myanmar are determined and will continue to strive toward achieving this endeavor. 


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