Strengthening Families (Dryden)
Thursday, March 5, 2020 5pm to 7:30pm
About this Event
36 Union Street Dryden, New York 13053 #parentingCalling all Dryden Families with youth in 6th-8th grades for our FREE Strengthening Families Program! This weekly class is a proven effective, family inclusive program that promotes positive communication, family bonding, and joint problem solving skills.
The sessions will begin with a shared family meal and then parents and youth will break off into different sections to learn skills. Parent/caregivers will discuss: normal developmental changes in teenagers; helping youth avoid risks and substance use; setting age appropriate limits; effective joint problem solving skills; ways to show love and support to their children. Youth will learn about: making good decisions and setting goals; peer pressure resistance skills to avoid problems with drugs and alcohol; empathy and appreciation of parents/caregivers; how to cope with stress.
Classes will be held 5:00-7:30pm on February 27, March 5, 12, 19 & 27 and April 2 & 16 (no class April 9th). March 5 is the last day to join the class.
Dinner is provided. Free childcare will be provided for children not able to participate in class curriculum. If you have questions or would like to register please contact:
Juliana Garcia 607-272-2292 ext. 115
Mary Hicks
Kate Benas
Fee: FREE!
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