Spring 2021 DNS Undergraduate Honors Research Symposium
Monday, May 17, 2021 10am to 3pm
About this Event
The Honors Program in the Division of Nutritional Sciences is designed to challenge research-oriented NS, HBHS, and GPHS majors with strong academic records. Students may conduct Honors research within or outside DNS. One of the components is an oral presentation of research in the DNS Undergraduate Honors Symposium in the students' final semester.
The schedule for this year's event is as follows:
- 10:00 AM | Information Avoidance in Decision Making: Do Avoidance Tendencies and Motives Vary by Age? | Stephanie Deng (Mentor: Dr. Corinna Loeckenhoff)
- 10:20 AM | Adolescents' Proxy Reports on Obesity-Related Parenting Practices: Factorial Validity and Reliability Across Four Behavioral Domains | Gabe Fuligni (Mentor: Dr. Roger Figueroa)
- 10:40 AM | The effects of Toxoplasma gondii on Olfactory Sensitivity and Behavior | Jun Park (Mentor: Dr. Margaret Bynoe)
- 11:00 AM | The Role of SIRT5 in Regenerating and Mature Skeletal Muscle | Rebekah Epstein (Mentor: Dr. Martha Field and Dr. Anna Thalacker-Mercer)
- 11:20 AM | Understanding the Dynamics of Family Drug Treatment Court in Tompkins County | Pearlanna Zapotocky (Mentor: Dr. Laura Tach)
- 11:40 AM | A structured literature review, meta-analysis and mediation analysis exploring the use of daily self-weighing to reduce systolic and diastolic hypertension | Melvin Alexander (Mentor: Dr. David Levitsky)
- 12:00 – 12:40 PM LUNCH BREAK
- 12:40 PM | Thinking About Health Status? | Pauniz Salehi (Mentor: Dr. Robert Sternberg)
- 1:00 PM | Proportions of leukocyte cell types in bovine colostrum and their dynamics as colostrum transitions to mature milk | Jessica Cha (Mentor: Dr. Sabine Mann)
- 1:20 PM | Inhibition of ITK Amplifies Proinflammatory Cytokine Expression in a Murine Model of Saccharopolyspora rectivirgula-induced Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis | Alexia Kim (Mentor: Dr. Avery August)
- 1:40 PM | Glymphatics-on-a-chip to Reconstitute Alzheimer’s Disease Pathogenesis | Paul Soden (Mentor: Dr. Esak Lee)
- 2:00 PM | Neighborhood Support and Wellbeing: Does College Belonging Matter? | Amber Tan (Mentor: Dr. Marlen Gonzalez)
- 2:20 PM | The Creation of a Database for the Heme Iron Content of Foods and Preliminary Nutrition Analysis of the First 75 Participants of FeGenes Study | Fernanda Nunes (Mentor: Dr. Kimberly O’Brien)
- 2:40 PM | DHRS7: A Candidate for Thermogenic Activation in Brown Adipose Tissue | Seldoen Oshoe (Mentor: Dr. Joeva Barrow)
Many DNS students participate in research through an independent study or employment, with or without applying to the DNS Honors Program. Read more about getting involved in undergraduate research and about DNS faculty research.
Check out Recent DNS Honors Theses for a list of past presentation titles, presenters and mentors.
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