Social Critique in Javanese Wayang: Semar’s Utopia as Portrayed by Ki Anom Soeroto, Ki Mujoko Joko Raharjo and Ki Purbo Asmoro
Thursday, December 5, 2024 12:15pm to 1:30pm
About this Event
640 Stewart Ave, Ithaca, NY 14850, USA Lecture Series
Join us for a talk by Dr. Kathryn "Kitsie" Emerson from EKALAYA Arts Cente, who will discuss the social critique in Javanese wayang. Dr. Emerson obtained PhD from the Leiden Institute of Asian Studies at Leiden University. Currently, Dr. Emerson serves as the Director of Ekalaya Performing Arts Center in Central Java, Indonesia.
This Gatty Lecture will take place at the The Kahin Center, 640 Stewart Ave. Lunch will be served. For questions, contact
About the Talk
Many foreign observers, scholars, and students of Javanese wayang kulit know that an important aspect of this complex performance art is social critique and commentary. But how exactly does the dhalang deliver such criticism? In this lecture, I will introduce participants to a wayang story (lakon) written by the legendary Ki Anom Soeroto in the 1970s, meant to be relevant to the times and to support a certain agenda, entitled Semar Mbangun Kahyangan (Semar Builds His Own Heavens). To this day, this lakon is one of the most popular stories performed in Java, but it turns out to also be flexible. Any dhalang can easily insert his/her own vision of utopia into the fabric of the tale. We will look at how the late Ki Mujoko Joko Raharjo adapted the lakon in the late 1980s, embedding a very different idealism and social commentary to Ki Anom Soeroto’s. We will also examine how Ki Purbo Asmoro recently (July 2024) took on the challenge, of reworking Semar Mbangun Kahyangan to reflect his own hopes and dreams for the Javanese people. By examining the nature of social critique in these three examples, participants will gain an understanding of how the role of the dhalang as a revered advisor works in current-day wayang performance practice.
About the Speaker
Kathryn “Kitsie” Emerson, an alumnus of Cornell’s Music Department (1983), is the director of Ekalaya, a performance-study institute in Java, Indonesia. She has been immersed in the study of gamelan and wayang performance practice for over 30 years in Java. In 2005 she pioneered—and continues to be the sole practitioner of—a unique method for translating wayang kulit performances for foreign audiences. Her technique allows for simultaneous interpretation while the performance is unfolding, respecting the need for spontaneity on the part of the dhalang. She has worked with over 60 different dhalang in this capacity, and across four continents—most recently on a six-week tour to Central Europe with the renowned Ki Purbo Asmoro. Her recent book: Innovation, Style and Spectacle in Wayang: Purbo Asmoro’s Evolution of an Indonesian Performing Art (NUS and University of Chicago Press, 2022), examines innovations in the dramatic structure of Solonese wayang from 1960 to 2020 and won the 2024 UNIMA USA Nancy Staub Award. Originally from Kalamazoo, Michigan, she is married to master gamelan musician Wakidi Dwidjomartono of Solo, Central Java.
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