Cornell University

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Please join us at the Medieval Studies Graduate Student Roundtable this semester!

The Roundtable, organized by the Medieval Studies Graduate Association (MSGA), is a place for graduate students to workshop their projects and a community space where everyone's voice and presence are valued whether or not they have expertise on the topic being presented. It is both a space for graduate students to receive feedback on their works in progress and an opportunity for faculty and graduate students to learn more about the wide range of specialties represented in the medievalist community at Cornell.

Papers will be distributed via email about a week in advance.

At this meeting, Hunter Phillips will present his paper, "(Re)forming Love: Human-Animal Reciprocity in Yvain ou le Chevalier au Lion"

The Roundtable will be in-person again this semester in Olin Library 703--with food! Meetings will be on Thursdays from 4:30-6:00pm


Upcoming events in the series:

March 28th - Yuanyuan Duan, "Becoming the Buddha-King: The Royal Consecration Ritual in the Dali kingdom (937-1254)"
April 18th - Lisa Camp, dissertation chapter draft
May 2nd - Ryan Randle, Asher Courtemanche, and Sarah LaVoy-Brunette, practice conference presentations

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