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121 Presidents Drive
#symposiumJoin this year's cohort of Fellows at the Society for the Humanities for presentations on the 2022-23 focal theme of Repair. Each presentation will be followed by a Q&A. Open to the public.
3:00-4:30pm PANEL 1
“Repairing the Psyche at Harlem's Lafargue Clinic, 1946-1958" - Kevin Duong (Society Fellow; Politics, University of Virginia)
"Colonial Paranoia: French Carcerality Amidst the Algerian Struggle” - Shirley Le Penne (Mellon Graduate Fellow; Goverment, Cornell)
“Short Stories, Long Lives: Animal Retirement at the Cross-Sections of an Overworked Planet” - Juno Parreñas (Faculty Fellow; Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies; Science and Technology Studies, Cornell)
4:45pm KEYNOTE
"From Repair to Hope (and Back Again?)” - Steven Jackson (Information Science, Science and Technology Studies, Cornell)
Abstract: In keeping with this year’s Society for the Humanities ‘Repair’ theme, this talk will describe one journey into/through/out of repair, and some of the allied concepts and concerns that have been associated with the growing, only partially connected, but wildly interesting subfield of repair studies. It will trace some of Prof. Jackson's own empirical and practical engagements in this space, and some wider theoretical roots behind it. It will then turn to a connected set of concerns, around care, loss, and hope. It will end with a group discussion around the limits of repair – and where we might need other concepts, and other practices, under our present planetary condition.
Schedule for Friday, October 21 (Day 2): https://events.cornell.edu/event/repair_fall_fellows_conference_day_2
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