Cornell University
Rare and Manuscript Collections, Carl A. Kroch Library, Hirshland Gallery

Abandon any tired stereotypes of dusty archives and stuffy gallery talks! Susie Bright, one of the driving forces behind the ground-breaking and successful lesbian sex magazine On Our Backs, will be leading explorations of the themes of the exhibition in Cornell Library's Hirshland Gallery, "Radical Desire: Making On Our Backs Magazine."

THIS WEEK 5/27 at 4pm

Lesbian Cover Girls: the Making of the On Our Backs Cover Model

On Our Backs cover, Fall 1987. Photograph: JoAnn Castillo and Doreen Querido by Jill Posener.

Photograph: JoAnn Castillo and Doreen Querido by Jill Posener.  On Our Backs cover, Fall 1987.

Next week, 6/3 - The Models of On Our Backs: The Pioneers of Lesbian Erotic Visibility

Past events:

5/13 - Lesbian Butch Femme Erotica at the Turn of the 21st Century

5/20 - Honey Lee Cottrell and the Psycho Sexual Lesbian Urban Subway Map

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