Cornell University
142 Sciences Drive, Physical Sciences Building Rm 403 Free Event
Free Event

Large N theories of critical Fermi surfaces and Strange Metal

The problem of a Fermi surface coupled to a critical bosonic fluctuation has ubiquitously appeared in the study of strongly correlated systems such as half-filled Landau level, metallic quantum critical points, gapless quantum spin liquids and strange metals. In this talk, I will describe our approach to the problem using inspirations from the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model. By making the Yukawa couplings between the fermions and the bosons random variables in N flavor indices, we obtain a controlled large N expansion whose saddle point resembles the Eliashberg equations. Due to momentum conservation, this translational invariant theory has an infinite DC conductivity.  We further show that a generic strange metallic behavior can arise from disorder in the fermion-boson Yukawa coupling. 

Faculty Hosts: Eun-Ah Kim and Debanjan Chowdhury

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