CANCELED - Pro-immigration Right-Wing Authoritarian Populism: Political Incorporation, Autocratization, and Desecularization in Turkey
Thursday, November 30, 2023 4:30pm
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Central Campus
Talk by Yunus Sozen
In the last decade, Turkey has not only become the largest refugee recipient country, but also one of the major immigrant destination countries in the world. All this happened during the rule of the right-wing populist Justice and Development Party which also took the lead in the breakdown of Turkey’s defective democracy and the establishment of an electoral authoritarian regime in its place. In this paper, I critically evaluate the immigration and right-wing populism literatures based on an exploration of how the right-wing populist government in Turkey conceptualizes the Turkish nation and citizenship. I argue that the conceptual frameworks utilized in these literatures lead to interpretive frameworks that misunderstand the particular conception of the nation by Turkey’s right-wing authoritarian populist rulers and their pro-immigration and citizenship policies.
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