Oswego County Fair 4-H Dormitory Registration
Tuesday, July 2, 2024
About this Event
Oswego County Fairgrounds, 291 Ellisburg Street, Sandy Creek, NY 13145
https://reg.cce.cornell.edu/2024OswegoFairDormReg_235The Oswego County 4-H Dormitory is open for any enrolled Oswego County 4-H member to stay in who is exhibiting livestock or serving as a Junior Superintendent. Each 4-H member is required to have a chaperone is who older than 21 years of age. The Oswego County 4-H Program does not provide a chaperone for this event. The dormitory will operate from Tuesday night, July 2nd until Sunday, July 7th. The cost is $5 a night or $20 for all 4 nights. Fees can be paid in advance of the fair. Checks should be made out to Cornell Cooperative Extension of Oswego County and mailed to Cornell Cooperative Extension of Oswego County, Attn: Dorm Payment, 3288 Main Street. Mexico, NY 13114.
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