Microeconomic Theory Workshop: Ashutosh Thakur
Tuesday, October 24, 2023 11:40am to 12:55pm
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Central Campus
Ashutosh Thakur, National University of Singapore
Endogenous Institutional Stability
Abstract: In many organizations, members need to be assigned to certain positions, whether these are legislators to committees, executives to roles, or workers to teams. In such settings, the design of the assignment procedure becomes an institutional choice that is influenced and agreed upon by the very members being assigned. Will these agents seek to reform the assignment procedures by voting in favor of some alternative allocation over their current allocation? I explore this question of institutional stability by bringing together matching theory and social choice. I introduce majority stability---i.e., institutional stability under majority rule---and juxtapose it with other voting rules an organization might use to resolve internal conflict. Institutional stability is undermined by correlation across agents' preferences over positions, as the resulting envy enables a decisive coalition to arise endogenously to change the institution. For extremely correlated preferences, I establish a Chaos Theorem wherein there exists a majority-approved agenda from any matching allocation to any other allocation. Nevertheless, I show that institutions are robust to intermediate correlation across preferences under majority rule, in sharp contrast to plurality rule (i.e., popular matching, studied in computer science). Given the prevalence of (super-)majority rules in practice, this suggests why we observe institutional stability.
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