Cornell University

The high-speed (4D) body scanner MOVE4D provides the possibility to scan moving humans with high resolution and frequency. The large data set of point clouds has information about the body and clothing interaction but requires new algorithms for its evaluation. The IBV team, who is the developer of MOVE4D, provides the scanner a dedicated software, which includes algorithms to fit a body template to the scans. The scanned vertexes remain in this way consistent with the connected body parts and the mesh is homologous. This feature can allow researchers to track different distances and curves during the motion by following the same vertex between the frames without complex 3D image processing algorithms.

 In his talk, Prof. Kyosev will present a newly developed specialized programming environment for MOVE4D, which tracks curves marked on a human body surface during a motion. The curves are defined using the common file format "ini" and are based on the vertices. Then the coordinates of the vertices are extracted from the files with consistent meshes. Finally, the curves and their lengths are analyzed and visualized. The method allows the automatic processing of circumferences and lengths of the body and provides novel information about the body size during the motion. This information will provide qualitative new information for the design of clothing with a better dynamic fit, for instance close-to-the-body sportswear, workwear, and others.

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