MAE Colloquium: Wei Xiong, Ph.D. (University of Pittsburgh), "CALPHAD-based ICME for Materials Design in Additive Manufacturing"
Tuesday, March 19, 2019 4pm
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View map Free EventABSTRACT: Based on multiscale physical models and materials genomic databases, the technique of “Materials by Design” enables accelerated development of cybermaterials by constructing a hierarchical architecture of Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME). The major design toolkit of materials genome is composed of the CALPHAD (Calculation of Phase Diagrams)-based methods, which are indispensable to supply fundamental informatics of materials thermodynamics and diffusion kinetics by coupling both theoretical calculations and experiments. In this seminar, the state-of-the-art CALPHAD approach will be introduced along with the concept of ICME framework for materials design and processing optimization in additive manufacturing. Firstly, a case study on thermal process modeling of melt pool during laser melting will be introduced to illustrate the importance of considering mechanical modeling in the ICME framework. Some recent case studies on high-temperature alloy and steels demonstrate the importance of improving the alloy composition design for additive manufacturing, and highlights the need of metallurgical design assisted by ICME modeling. Microstructure characterization of additively manufactured alloys shows a considerable amount of columnar structure causing undesired anisotropic properties after laser processing. Therefore, phase-level structure control needs a comprehensive evaluation of thermokinetic influence by both in-situ laser processing and post-heat treatment. The present research indicates that a successful materials design in advanced manufacturing requires synergetic efforts made by scientists and engineers in both mechanical engineering and materials science.
BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH: Dr. Wei Xiong is the director of the Physical Metallurgy and Materials Design Laboratory at University of Pittsburgh. He joined University of Pittsburgh as an assistant professor in September 2016. Dr. Wei Xiong got his Ph.D. degree (focus: computational thermodynamics and physical metallurgy) from KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden and Doctor of Engineering degree (focus: powder metallurgy) from Central South University in China. In 2012, he moved from Sweden to the US after his Ph.D. research program. He stayed one year at the University of Wisconsin – Madison (2012-2013) before joining Northwestern University as a research associate for alloy design research (2013-2016). Using the CALPHAD-based ICME methods, Dr. Xiong works in materials design and process optimization, which covers a broad range of inorganic materials, and focuses on phase equilibria and phase transformations. He has more than 50 publications related to physical metallurgy, including seven invited book chapters. Dr. Wei Xiong serves on the ASM International Alloy Phase Diagrams Committee, TMS Alloy Phases Committee (vice chair), TMS High-Temperature Alloys Committee, TMS Additive Manufacturing Committee. He is the TMS ICME education sub-committee chair. He has received several academic awards, which include: Best Paper Awards of the CALPHAD journal in 2012 and 2013, and TMS FMD Young Leader Professional Development Award 2015. Dr. Xiong serves as an associate editor of the journal: Science and Technology of Advanced Materials.
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