Cornell University

204 East Ave., Ithaca, NY 14853, USA #LRCspeakerseries

"iSpraak: A Platform for Second Language Pronunciation Instruction, Assessment, and Research"
Dan Nickolai
Associate Professor of French and Director of the Language Resource Center, Saint Louis University

This presentation will showcase the latest feature developments to the iSpraak platform. This free online tool incorporates multilingual Automatic Speech Recognition and Text-to-Speech technologies to both model and assess pronunciation in 36 different languages. Now generously funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities, iSpraak has significantly expanded on its previous feature set and has adopted new tools for learners, teachers, and researchers. 

Bio: Dr. Dan Nickolai is an Associate Professor of French and the Director of the Language Resource Center at Saint Louis University. He has a professional and educational background in the fields of Computer Science, French, and Second Language Acquisition. His current work focuses on developing web-based applications that support language learning, assessment, and research. In addition to his roles at Saint Louis University, Dr. Nickolai serves as the President of the International Association for Language Learning Technology.

This event will be held in person in G25 Stimson and will also be streamed live over Zoom (registration required). Join us at the LRC or on Zoom. 

The event is free and open to the public. Campus visitors and members of the public must adhere to Cornell's public health requirements for events.

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