Cornell University

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Eunice Bae

Title: Exciton-Coupled Coherent Magnons and What’s Next?  

Abstract: While magnons and excitons differ significantly in their energy scales, up to four orders of magnitude, their coupling can lead to efficient optical access to spin information. In this talk, I will discuss how a two-dimensional (2D) magnetic semiconductor, CrSBr, can possess tightly bound excitons with large oscillator strength and long-lived coherent magnons due to the presence of bandgap and spatial confinement. I will talk about optical excitation [1] and detection [2] of exciton-coupled magnon dynamics using time- and spatially resolved optical spectroscopy and the implications of magnetoelectronic and magnetoelastic coupling in quantum hybrids, magnonics, and optoelectronics. Lastly, I will discuss my research interests and future projects that I will work on as an assistant professor in the Chemistry department at Cornell.  
[1] Anisotropic Magnetoelastic Coupling in CrSBr, submitted (2023). 
[2] Exciton-coupled coherent magnons in a 2D semiconductor, Nature 609,282–286 (2022). 

Bio: Eunice Bae is an incoming assistant professor in the Chemistry department at Cornell. Her research interest lies in understanding and controlling spin dynamics in low-dimensional materials using ultrafast optical spectroscopy as well as magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Please find more information here:

Faculty Host: Daniel Ralph

Pizza served starting at 12:10 p.m.

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