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Few-Cycle Nonlinear Photonics: From Nanoscale Devices to Large-Scale Circuits

Evident from more than 50 years of table-top nonlinear optics, utilizing strong quadratic nonlinearities in integrated photonics can significantly expand the potentials of photonics for applications ranging from sensing to computing, especially in the ultra-short-pulse regime. In the past few years, nanophotonic lithium niobate (LN) has emerged as one of the most promising integrated photonic platforms with strong quadratic nonlinearity. In this talk I will pressome of our recent experimental results on realization and utilizing of dispersion-engineered and quasi-phase-matched devices in nanophotonic LN for intense optical parametric amplification [1], ultrafast ultra-low-energy all-optical switching [2], few-cycle vacuum squeezing [3], and ultrabroadband coherent sources [4,  5]. I will also present some recent experimental and numerical results on how resonators with only strong quadratic nonlinearities exhibit phase transitions in the spectral domain [6], and pulse compression [7]. I will discuss a path towards realization of large-scale ultrafast nanophotonic circuits in the classical and quantum regimes.


Hosted by Peter McMahon

Pizza served starting at 12:10 p.m.
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