Cornell Biennial: "A morning in 1953 (Messiaen Reversed, Birds Released)" by Joanna Malinowska and C.T. Jasper
Friday, October 7, 2022 8am to 4:30pm
About this Event
942 University Ave, Ithaca, NY 14850, USA #CornellBiennialThis project is based on Réveil des Oiseaux (Awakening of Birds), a composition for piano and orchestra by the legendary Modernist composer, Olivier Messiaen (1908-1982), which premiered in 1953. Our project attempts to reverse and undo Messiaen’s original process of transcribing bird calls of 38 species and reconstruct the entire score by using the actual birds calls of the species Messiaen treated as his “prototypes”, and completely remove the sounds of man-made, man-played instruments. It will be a form of sonic montage that faithfully follows the notation by Messiaen, yet is completely made out of recordings of all 38 kinds of birds studied by the composer.
Visit Joanna Malinowska and C.T. Jasper's installation in the John Hartell Gallery in Sibley Hall from Sep 16-Oct 7, 2022.
Celebrate the opening of the installation on Sep 16, 2022 from 5-5:30p and learn more about this incredible project.
2022 Cornell Biennial
Sponsored by the Cornell Council for the Arts and curated by Timothy Murray, the 2022 Cornell Biennial "Futurities, Uncertain" features exhibitions, installations, and performances by 23 international and 17 Cornell-based artists. Free and open-to-the-public events will rotate on the Cornell Ithaca campus and the Cornell Tech campus in New York City from July through December 2022.
Attend our Celebration Weekend from Sep 15-17, 2022 on the Cornell Ithaca campus. The full list of participants, along with the calendar of 2022 Cornell Biennial events, will be updated in real time at
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