Joanie Kleypas | What Can We Do to Save Coral Reefs When It's Too Damn Hot Already?
Monday, April 27, 2020 2:55pm to 4:10pm
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Free EventJoanie Kleypas is a marine ecologist/geologist that focuses on how coral reefs and other marine ecosystems are affected by changes in the Earth's atmosphere and climate. Global warming, for example, is causing tropical ocean temperatures to increase faster than corals can adapt, resulting in high rates of coral bleaching. This is one of the major causes of the present, rapid degradation of coral reef ecosystems. Ocean acidification is another major threat to coral reefs, because as the oceans absorb much of the CO2 released to the atmosphere by fossil fuel burning and deforestation, seawater pH declines and reduces the ability of corals and many other organisms to build their skeletons and shells.
Seminar Series: Perspectives on the Climate Change Challenge:
- Mondays, Spring Semester 2020, 2:55-4:10pm, 233 Plant Sciences
- Most sessions available as a Zoom Webinar
This university-wide seminar series provides important views on the critical issue of climate change, drawing from many perspectives and disciplines. Experts from both Cornell University and other universities will present an overview of the science of climate change and climate change models, the implications for agriculture, ecosystems, and food systems, and provide important economic, ethical, and policy insights on the issue. The seminar is being organized and sponsored by the Department of Biological and Environmental Engineering and the Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability.
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