Cornell University
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We are excited to announce that the 8th Cornell Conference on Analysis, Probability, and Mathematical Physics on Fractals will be held June 16, 2025 - June 20, 2025.

The purpose of this conference, held every three years, is to bring together mathematicians who are already working in the area of analysis and probability on fractals with students and researchers from related areas. 

Financial support will be provided to a limited number of participants to cover the cost of housing in Cornell single dormitory rooms and partially support other travel expenses. Students and junior researchers from underrepresented groups in STEM are particularly encouraged to apply for travel funding. Well-established researchers are encouraged to use their own travel funding; the NSF expects that most funds will be expended on otherwise unfunded mathematicians.

This conference supports the Welcoming Environment Statement of the Association for Women in Mathematics.

This event is in the early planning stages and for more information and updates go to the Fractals Conference Website.