Cornell University
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Towards an Integration of System Science, Thinking, and Practice

Gary will give voice to a candidate framework for system science, a unifying framework that organizes system knowledge along two dimensions:

1) knowledge about systems
2) knowledge about the general human activity system

An explanation shall be provided how these two dimensions can be integrated such that systems thinking, systems engineering, project management, and other human enterprise practice frameworks can be grounded, and related to knowledge about systems. The unifying framework will enable system researchers to connect and integrate their knowledge and efforts within the context of an integrated whole, an enterprise of system science. The framework can help practitioners identify how;

1) behaviors, structures, processes, and meanings emerge
2) how diversity can turn to complementarity, collaboration, and synergy in the delivery of system-based approaches

When you place this diversity in the context of the whole, it brings forth connections, possibilities, and deeper meaning.

Gary Smith is a Senior Expert Systems Engineer at Airbus Defence and Space. He is Airbus’ overall architect for engineering processes and provides technical leadership in the digital transformation of the division. From 2019 to 2023 he served as VP for Systems Practice.

Smith is the President-elect of the International Society for the Systems Sciences. He is an INCOSE certified Expert Systems Engineering Professional and a senior editor of the Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge.