Cornell University

232 East Ave, Central Campus

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Event Description

This is a public inclusive academic community celebration of transgender scholarship and life, to counter anti-trans speech on campus and abroad. Through intersectional solidarity, we emphasize compatible needs of trans people, cisgender people and racial/ethnic minorities. 

Event Details

Willow Starr (Philosophy): 10 min introductions, framing of trans politics, philosophy and solidarity-based resistance

Chan Tov McNamarah (Law): 15 mins on the flaws of cis-woman protective arguments and their racialized histories.

Kate Manne (Philosophy): 10 mins on feminism and trans philosophy

Perry Zurn  (SHUM): 5 mins on trans resistance, poetics, and trans philosophy

Discussion with Panel- 55mins

Reception w/trans-positive book giveaway from Buffalo Street Books, cookies from Via’s, pizza and (non-alcoholic) drinks. 

Co-sponsored by AnthropologyLiteratures in EnglishFGSSGovernment; the Indigeneity, Race, Gender and Sexuality Initiative; LGBT Studies; and the Society for the Humanities 


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