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General Physics Colloquium and Bethe Lectures, Professor Lenka Zdeborová, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne

Title:  From Bethe Lattice to Unraveling Complex Systems

Host:  James Sethna

Abstract:  In 1935, Hans Bethe, with Rudolf Peierls, published his "Statistical Theory of Superlattices," providing a solution to the Ising model on the so-called Bethe lattice. In this talk, Lenka Zdeborová will take you on a journey describing how ideas from this pioneering work have led to the development of the so-called cavity method and related message-passing algorithms. These are methods used today to analyze complex disordered systems in a way that is exact in the thermodynamic limit and to inspire new algorithmic solutions to challenging computational data-intensive tasks. She will also describe a recent extension of these methods -- the backtracking dynamical cavity method -- allowing us to study dynamical systems far from equilibrium.     

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