County Public Presentations NOT HORSE COMUNICATION
Saturday, March 8, 2025
About this Event
121 Second St. Oriskany, NY 13424 page is for both Youth Speakers and Adult Evaluators to register
This registration is for all ages doing Public Presentations if you are doing a Horse Communications you are on the wrong page.
No other program in 4-H Is more respected than 4-H Public Presentation and Horse Communications. Providing youth the opportunity to share thoughts and ideas is one of the key youth development opportunities that 4-H offers. That being said the fear of public speaking is listed as the number one fear that adults have. This fear can hinder both personal and professional opportunities.
For this reason Oneida County 4-H recognizes the difficulties that Leaders have had in the past finding qualified evaluators for their club level programs. While we encourage Leaders to still provide this club level experience we are now going to provide the formal setting here at CCE.
Participating youth may advance to the District and State events as they have in the past.
Hint: Some of our best 4-H Presenters come from clubs where public speaking was mandatory. Leaders recognize the value of the program and require it. Don’t let your fears or the fears of others take away the valuable life skill that public speaking can bring to our 4-H youth.
On the registration you will be asked to select a time for your presentation. We will do our best to honor your request. However, please understand that we rely upon volunteers to be evaluators and their time is valuable. You may be required to shift your time if there are large gaps in the schedule due to low participation. Presentations are scheduled approximately every 20 minutes.
Volunteer Helpers are needed for County Public Presentations. If you can assist please use this site as well. Please type in NA if the question does not apply. Any questions please contact Lynette 736-3394 x105
** NY State now requires that all volunteers provide annual proof of sexual harassment training. Watch the 10 minute video send certificate of completion to Lisa at lb553
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