Cornell University

Boonville Oneida County Fair Grounds
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The 4-H English Day Horse Show will be held on Wednesday, July 24, 2024. This day is comprised of Hunt Seat, Jumping, Miniature Horse and Driving Divisions.

The show will begin at 8:30AM with Showmanship which is a mandatory class, regardless of your division.

The Entry Deadline is July 1st!! No late entries will be accepted!! This event is open to Oneida County 4-H members only.

Additional paperwork that needs to be completed includes:

Chaperone Permission-Medical Form Click Here to Print Form

If you are planning on keeping your horse on the Fairgrounds and require a stall, please register online for the Stall Agreement and mail the Stall Fee to the 4-H Office prior to July 15th. If you require a stall after the July 15th deadline contact Lisa Farney at

Horse Certificates must be on file with the 4-H Office to participate. These were DUE JUNE 1st!! All horses must have current Rabies and Coggins Certificates copies on file with the 4-H Office prior to the show and these certificates must be on hand during transportation and stabling duration at the fairgrounds.

Required Safety Attire
· “Official” helmet for the NYS 4-H Horse Program will be equine riding helmets with ASTM – 1163/SEI or ASTM – F – 1163-04a/ SEI certification.
· “Proper equestrian footwear with a distinguishable heel” is required.

An approved helmet and equestrian footwear must be worn at all times at 4-H events when:
--a rider is mounted on an equine
--youth are riding in a vehicle being pulled by one or more equines
--youth are in the show ring (I.e.: for Showmanship at Halter)

NYS Horse Show Rules will be followed: Click Here

All equines must meet standards for conduct of Fairs, Livestock Health Requirements, and General Rules of the Department.
You can find the requirements by right clicking on, and opening: and scrolling down the page until you find the section “County and State Fair Information”.

All participants must have been enrolled in the New York 4-H Horse project by May 1st of the current 4-H program year.

All animals must have been officially listed as project animal with the Cornell Cooperative Extension 4-H Program by June 1st of the current program year.

All equines must be at least 24 months of age. All equine shown in ridden and driven classes must be 3 years of age and older. No intact stallion or jack over 12 months of age may be shown in a 4-H event, show, clinic, etc.

Pony measurement for English ,Western, and Gymkhana are under 14.2 hands. Exact size measurements should be made on all ponies to facilitate proper entry.

All necessary 4-H Horse Program requirements must be met prior to showing at the Oneida County Boonville Fair.

--HORSE CERTIFICATES are due by June 1st.

--All 4-H Members must have completed a judged Horse Communication or competed in the Regional Horse Bowl and Hippology Contest

--4-H members between 8-19 years old must have completed a minimum of 1 hour of community service to the 4-H Horse Program.

Ribbon awards to be given according to placing in each class. No points are awarded for costume classes.

Poor sportsmanship by the exhibitor or misbehavior by the horse will be cause for dismissal.

All 4-H members showing at County Fair MUST exhibit in the appropriate Showmanship Class.

The decision of the judge is always final.

Conduct unbecoming to a parent, supervisor, or exhibitor will be subject to immediate disciplinary action.

No coaching from ring side please.

No one other than exhibitors may ride, school, or train an equine entered in the show while on the 4-H show grounds. If a youth is having a problem with an equine, please talk with the Show Superintendent. With proper approval, exceptions may be made. Safety of the youth will always be of primary concern.

Cloverbuds may only show in designated “Cloverbud” classes and may not compete in Gymkhana events.

Classes may be combined at the judge’s or show superintendents’ discretion.

Note: Jr.— Exhibitors under the age of 14 as of January 1st, current year
Sr.—Exhibitors 14 years of age and over as of January 1st, current year
Open—Any exhibitor 9-18 years old as of January 1st, current year (No Cloverbuds)
Cloverbud— Limited to Cloverbud Exhibitors (5-8 years old as of January 1st, current year)
Novice—Limited to Walk/Trot Exhibitors Ages 9-18 as of January 1st, current year (Not allowed to cross enter into any class requiring a lope, Not State Fair Eligible)

Contact Lisa Farney, or 736-3394 Ext. 122 if you have any questions or would like to request a paper copy of the entry form.

**Classes 26-33 will be run in the Dressage Arena
Classes 26-29 will be judged from 10:00am to 12:00pm
Mini Classes 30-34 will be judged starting at 1:00pm

1. Senior Showmanship
2. Junior Showmanship
3. Novice Showmanship
4. Cloverbud Leadline
5. Cloverbud W/T Pleasure
6. Cloverbud W/T Equitation
7. Senior Equitation Over Fences
8. Junior Equitation Over Fences
9. Novice Equitation Over Fences (X-Rails)
10. Senior Working Hunter
11. Junior Working Hunter
12. Novice Working Hunter (X-Rails)
13. Senior Hunter Hack
14. Junior Hunter Hack
15. Novice Hunter Hack (X-Rails)
16. Senior Hunt Seat Pleasure
17. Junior Hunt Seat Pleasure
18. Novice Hunt Seat Pleasure
19. Senior Equitation on the Flat
20. Junior Equitation on the Flat
21. Novice Equitation on the Flat
22. Senior Hunter under Saddle
23. Junior Hunter under Saddle
24. Novice Hunter under Saddle
25. Cloverbud Costume

26. Senior Trail
27. Junior Trail
28. Novice Trail
29. Cloverbud Trail

30. Open Showmanship—Mini
31. Cloverbud Leading Exhibition— Mini
32. Open Obstacle at Halter— Mini
33. Cloverbud Obstacle at Halter— Mini
34. Open Gamblers Choice In-Hand— Mini
35. Open Hunter at Halter—Mini
36. Open Jumper at Halter—Mini
37. Open Costume—Mini
38. Cloverbud Costume—Mini

39. Open Pleasure Driving
40. Open County Pleasure Driving
41. Open Reinsmanship
42. Open Obstacle Driving
43. Open Gambler’s Choice
44. Open Timed Cones

Registration for event has CLOSED.

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