Cornell Initiative for Digital Agriculture (CIDA) Seminar Series: "The Mechanics Life of a Plant Leaf" - Sunghwan Jung
Monday, July 22, 2019 11:30am to 1pm
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View map Free EventLike a human, a plant leaf undergoes a very dynamic life to adapt and cope with external stimuli. This seminar will cover several stories of both long-term and short-term responses of a leaf, and discuss some practical implications like optimal crop spacing and extracting wax. Dr. Sunghwan (Sunny) Jung is Associate Professor in the Department of Biological and Environmental Engineering at Cornell University. His research focuses on a variety of mechanics problems occurring in natural biological systems; how animals drink, how animals dive into water, how bubbles sanitize food, how plants respond to various abiotic stresses. Cornell Initiative for Digital Agriculture (CIDA), a faculty led initiative focused on creating a strong voice in the emerging area of Digital Agriculture (DA), invites Professor Jung to present his research for the monthly CIDA Seminar Series.
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