Cornell Club of Hawaii - Harvard Club Brownbagger - Randall Roth on The Descendants
Tuesday, July 15, 2014 12pm to 12pm

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Honolulu, HI, Honolulu, Hawaii Club Brownbagger  Randall Roth on "The DescendantsÂ"
How accurate was the Oscar-winning 2011 George Clooney film The Descendants in depicting real controversies involving old Hawaiian Trusts while highlighting the modern debate of whether HawaiÂ'i is overdeveloped? Last year, a remarkable scholarly monograph appeared, Â"Deconstructing The Descendants: How George Clooney
Ennobled Old Hawaiian Trusts & Made the Rule Against Perpetuities Sexy.Â" Its author was Randall Roth, our speaker for July 15thÂ's brown bag lunch.
Randy Roth is a UH Law Professor and noted author and Hawaii historian. He is perhaps best-known for Broken Trust, the 2006 exposé of the Â"plundering of the Bishop Estate Charitable Trust," which he co-wrote with Sam King and which had seismic local and national repercussions. HeÂ's received numerous honors during a distinguished career, and has spoken at Harvard, NYU, Columbia, Duke, UCLA and UC-Berkeley, among others.
We hope your alumni and their guests will join us for this event. Please let me know.
Date: Tuesday, July 15th, 2014
Time: Noon - 1:30 pm
Place: The Main Conference Room at Architects Hawaii, Ltd, through the courtesy of Harvard Club member David Miller. It's on the 31st floor of the Makai Tower of Pacific Guardian Center, 733 Bishop Street.
Cost: FREE
Lunch: Bring your own sandwich, bento, beverage, etc.
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Arkie Koehl
VP, Activities
Harvard Club of Hawaii
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