About this Event
800 21st St NW, Washington, DC 20052
https://app.brazenconnect.com/a/ppia/e/zqQQO #GraduateFair, PublicAffairs, CornellMPA, MPAInterested in pursuing your MPA?
We encourage you to attend this virtual Public Service Expo, where you will have the valuable opportunity to connect with MPA PRogram admissions professionals who can help you take the first step in transforming your future with a mission-oriented graduate degree.
Register for the Expo and view the exhibitor list
Join the Public Policy & International Affairs Program (PPIA) at the Georgia Washington University Student Center for its 22nd annual Public Service Expo. The Expo gives students and professionals the opportunity to connect with employers, fellowship programs, and the top public policy and international affairs graduate programs from across the country! Exhibitors share PPIA's commitment to increasing diversity and fostering inclusion in public service.
Can't attend this fair? No problem. The MPA Program will attend fairs and facilitate info sessions throughout the semester to meet with prospective students. Please consult our 2024 Recruitment Schedule to see our upcoming recruitment events.
Would you like more information about our program now? View our Career Report, Viewbook, Employment & Internship Overview, and other digital guides in our MPA Resource Library.
Please feel free to contact the MPA Admissions and Student Services team at mpa@cornell.edu if you have any questions about the Cornell MPA!