Communication Colloquium Series: The persistence of stereotypes in traditional and new media
Monday, April 24, 2017 1:30pm to 2:45pm
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Cornell University Mann Library, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA Travis Dixon will explore the content and effects of stereotypes within multiple mediated contexts. The presentation will provide evidence for the prevalence of stereotypes, their influence on social judgment, and possible paths to their eradication. Attention will be given to a number of empirical studies that examine the issue using varying methodological approaches.
Professor Dixon is a media effects scholar dedicated to investigating the prevalence of stereotypes in the mass media and the impact of stereotypical imagery on audience members. He has been honored as a faculty fellow with UIUC's Center on Democracy in a Multiracial Society and he was the 2013 Visiting Philanthropy Faculty Scholar at the Clinton School of Public Service. Dr. Dixon has received 7 top paper awards from the National Communication Association and the International Communication Association. He has also received a top article award from the National Communication Association. Dr. Dixon serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Communication, Communication Research, Howard Journal of Communications, Media Psychology, and the Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media. Much of Dr. Dixon's work has been focused on racial stereotyping in television news. His more recent investigations examine the content and effects of stereotypes and counter-stereotypes in major news events, online news, and musical contexts.
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