Communication Colloquium Series: The KOL’ Interaction and Network in the Online Debates
Monday, April 16, 2018 1:30pm to 2:45pm
About this Event
Cornell University Mann Library, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA this talk, Dr. Kai Liu examines the role of key opinion leaders (KOL) in online debates. Existing research about online debate shows that on the one hand, online debate can create a new public sphere and contribute to the democracy via internet. On the other hand, online debate also increase polarization of attitude and creates high-centralization in participation. In both, the KOL play an important role in three aspects: First, they are more likely than others to be the one who sets the agenda. Second, KOLs have more opportunities to diffuse the topic, and attract more attention and discussion participants. Lastly, KOL can more easily influence public opinion.
In this talk, Dr. Liu examines the interaction network amongst the opinion leaders. He has collected data on 36 opinion leaders, who participated in online discussion on 107 hot topics about Politics, Economy, Education and Culture, Technology, Laws and Social Values in China. Based on the data, he wants to outline the KOL’ role in the online debates.
Kai Liu (Assistant Professor, Beijing Jiaotong University) is a visiting associate professor in the Department of Communication at Cornell University. His research interests include social network and public opinion. He has authored one book, over a dozen journal articles and two book chapters.
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