Cornell University

Cornell University Mann Library, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA
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Have we become a society of personal screens? Mobile phones, desktop computers, laptop computers, LCD monitors, television sets, tablets, electronic readers, smartwatches, and other personal screens have become ubiquitous in the contemporary landscape. Not only there has been a proliferation of personal screens in recent years, but also an exponential growth in their availability—for instance, 1.5 billion mobile phones were sold worldwide just in 2016. How do people deal with this proliferation and growth of personal screens? In this seminar Dr. Pablo Poczkowski will aim to answer this question through an analysis of 158 semi-structured interviews conducted in Argentina between March 2016 and December 2017. In particular, he will focus on people’s use of three defining types of personal screens: mobile phones, computers, and television sets. Dr. Boczkowski will center on the role that divergent constellations of meaning play in dealing with these screens, and the performative implications that these constellations have in communication practice, affect, and experience. 


Pablo J. Boczkowski (Ph.D., Cornell University, 2001) is Professor in the Department of Communication Studies at Northwestern University, and Co-Director of the Center for the Study of Media and Society in Argentina ( His research program examines the transition from print to digital culture. He is author or co-author of three books, co-editor of four volumes, and has written over thirty journal articles and twenty book chapters. 

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