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Cornell University Mann Library, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA
https://cals.cornell.edu/communication/about-us/eventsEmbodiment Now
Andrea Stevenson Won, Associate Professor, Cornell University
1pm in 102 Mann
Embodiment is a key concept in the study of immersive media, and is also foundational to communication generally. In this talk, I will use the lab's recent projects as a starting point to discuss how technical advances have made the experience of mediated embodiment increasingly available. Benefits of these new ways of capturing and communicating individual humans' behaviors and appearances include new methods of social connection, new opportunities for self-reflection, and increased access to novel experiences. However, with these opportunities come concerns about representation, accessibility, and privacy.
Andrea Stevenson Won is a recently tenured associate professor and the director of the Virtual Embodiment Lab in the Department of Communication. The lab's work has been funded by the National Science Foundation, the Department of Defense, and the National Institutes of Health, among others, and published in a range of Communication and human-computer interaction venues, including CHI, CSCW, IEEE VR, Convergence, New Media and Society, and the Journal of Communication. She collaborates with researchers around the world, including at Cornell Tech and Weill Cornell.
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