Cornell University

Cornell University Mann Library, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA
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The Impact of Culture: From Group Collaboration to Collective Action

Y. Connie Yuan, Professor, Department of Communication, Cornell University

2pm in 102 Mann

Reception to follow in the Hub


People from different cultural backgrounds communicate in different styles and react to social issues differently. In this presentation, Dr. Yuan will provide an overview of several of her studies to showcase such differences, ranging from how cultural differences in communication styles influence expertise evaluation in intercultural collaboration, to how cultural norms influence Chinese immigrants’ reaction to air quality issues in their community.


Professor Y. Connie Yuan teaches and conducts research in the area of organizational communication and intercultural communication. Specially, she studies how the development of social capital, and the adoption and usage of information and communication technology influence knowledge management in work teams. Her recent research examined cultural differences in cognition, communication and decision making styles, and reaction to community air quality issues.

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