Cornell University

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Beyond the Human-Machine Dichotomy: Calibrating Social Experience for Better Human-AI Collaboration

Angel Hsing-Chi Hwang, PhD Candidate, Cornell University

2pm in 102 Mann

Reception to follow in the Hub


Recent advances in AI have led to blooming potential for human-AI collaboration, but humans’ perception of intelligent machines can readily impact the make or break of such collaborative work. While abundant work in existing literature studies users’ mental models of AI, these studies often took a dichotomized approach, prompting users to deem AI either as human-like or machine-like entities. In my work, I propose to extend beyond this duality. I explore various aspects of social experience – including concerns for judgment, competition, agency, vulnerability, trust, and marginalization – and how they influence human-AI collaboration on different scales, from 1-on-1 interaction with an intelligent agent to users situated in networked AI infrastructure.


Angel Hsing-Chi Hwang (she/her/hers) is a human-computer interaction (HCI) researcher and Ph.D. candidate at Cornell University. Her research explores the role of emerging technology in the future of (team)work, culture, and social interaction. She researches, designs, and builds technology that can introduce greater creativity and inclusiveness to our future workplaces.

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