Collectivity: CNY Humanities and Nineteenth Century Americanist Reading Group Conference
Saturday, September 30, 2023 9am to 3pm
About this Event
27 E Ave, Ithaca, NY 14853
#conferenceThe Collectivity Conference is sponsored by the Central New York Humanities Corridor from an award by the Mellon Foundation and organized by the Nineteenth-Century Americanist Reading Group at Cornell University.
On Friday, 9/29, we invite you to attend Dr. Britt Rusert's keynote address, "Mutual Aid and Community Defense: Blueprints and Lessons from the Long Nineteenth Century."
On Saturday, 9/30, please join us for graduate student panels centered on the theme of collectivity.
Moderated by Derrick R. Spires
Susannah Sharpless, "'Is it your choice?': The Materials of Address in Lydia Huntley Sigourney's 'Rag Poems'"
Jacob Walters, "Covalent Bonds: Science, Energy, and Collectivity in the works of Frederick Douglass, Anna Julia Cooper, and W.E.B. Du Bois"
Philippa Chun, "Grave Subjects: Identity and Community in Nineteenth-Century Cemeteries"
Moderated by Patricia Roylance
Maria Al-Raes, "Hidden in Plain Sight: Suspense and Closure in The Bondwoman's Narrative"
Charline Jao, "'Pray, why do they call this place the Tombs?': Lydia Maria Child and Charles Dickens's American Notes"
Victoria Corwin, "Travelling Nobodies: Imagined Journeys into the Ancient World"
Lead by Lenora Warren and Anna Shechtman
(IN)VISIBLE LABOR — 1:45-3:00 PM
Moderated by Ezra Tawil
Jenna Marvin, "'The Weary, Blackened Shell': Photography's Struggle to Image Labor and the Coal Mine"
Andrew Scheinman, "Cornell as Construction Site: On Student Labor in the University's Early History"
Jeffrey Adams, "Consider the Basilosaurus: Antebellum Slavery and Paleontology's Formation"
The ARG would like to thank the following for their support in organizing this conference:
Central New York Humanities Corridor
American Studies Program
Cornell Society for the Humanities
Literatures in English Department
Shirley Samuels
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