Celebration Conversations: [Un]Learning Ideals: Reframing Our Fitness and Wellness Journeys
Monday, March 28, 2022 2pm to 3pm
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Join this candid conversation related to messaging in the fitness industry, our personal and cultural influences, and how to acknowledge where your wellness journey begins. You will have a chance to learn, listen and share as a part of this celebration conversation.
Ruth Merle-Doyle, Associate Director Cornell Wellness
Anthony Sis, eCornell Facilitator D&I Certificate Program
Julia Leonard, Program Assistant for IT Training, Body Positive Cornell Facilitator
Cathryn Lucas, Cornell Wellness Personal Trainer
Register in advance for this meeting: https://cornell.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAkd-uqqDouGd2r5N-yZOyOpQcbaRFXTufM
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Register in advance for this meeting: https://cornell.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAkd-uqqDouGd2r5N-yZOyOpQcbaRFXTufM
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