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Prabuddha Sengupta, Senior Scientist, Janelia ResearchCampus, Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Host: Barbara Baird & David Holowka

Cargo Driven Regulation of Clathrin-mediated Endocytosis

Clathrin-mediated endocytosis (CME) carries out internalization of diverse membrane cargos and thereby plays a crucial role in numerous physiological processes including nutrient uptake and receptor-mediated signaling. Even though CME of different cargo proteins operate by engaging the same core components of endocytic machinery, the diversity of CME-cargos and the frequent need for differential endocytosis of cargo molecules require regulation of clathrin coated pit (CCP) formation both at the level of cargo content and rate of internalization. Recent data support an emerging viewpoint that cargo molecules can actively modulate the dynamics and cargo content of CCPs in which they get internalized, which in turn can generate compositional and functional specialization of CCPs. However, an outstanding challenge in the field is to delineate the mechanisms employed by cargo molecules to achieve such regulation of CME. Using our results from a combination of diffraction-limited and superresolution microscopy imaging strategies, I will highlight possible mechanisms of cargo-mediated regulation of CME that operate at nanoscopic spatial scales.



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