About this Event
Cornell University Mann Library, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA
Register by Oct. 5 to attend this conference
Sunday, October 22
A.D. White House, Guerlac Room
3:30 p.m.: Welcome Reception
5-6:00pm: Keynote “David’s Biblical Biographies” with Mark Smith (Princeton Theological Seminary)
Dinner at A.D. White House will follow the lecture
Monday, October 23
Mann Library, Rm. 102
Session 1: Monday, 9:30am-11:30am (Chair: Daniella Farah)
Session title: “The Modern Boom in Jewish Biography”
Derek Penslar, “Biography and the Challenge of Quantum History” (9:30-9:55)
Re'ee Hagay, “Eli Hammo’s Tapes: The Making and Unmaking of a Diary Film” (9:55-10:20)
Chaeran Freeze, “Renouncing Privilege: The Making of a Socialist Revolutionary in the Memoirs of Mikhail Gots” (10:20-10:45)
Q-and-A (10:45-11:30)
Lunch – catered in conference room, 11:30-2:00
Session 2: Monday afternoon, 2pm-4pm (Chair: Aaron Burke)
Session title:“The Identity of Jewish Biography: Genre and Method”
Mayer Juni, “Converso Biography and its Discontents” (2:00-2:25)
Yaacob Dweck, “Rabbinic Biography in the Early Modern Period” (2:25-2:50)
Ishay Rosen-Zvi, “Talmudic Biographies: The Impossible, Irresistible Endeavor” (2:50-3:15)
Q-and-A (3:15-4:00)
Tuesday, October 24
Session 3: Tuesday, 9:30am-11:30am (Chair: Chumie Juni)
Session title: “Jewish Biography between Tradition and Subversion”
Mahri Leonard-Fleckman, “Samson and the Aesthetics of Biblical Biography”(9:30-9:55)
Eve Krakowski, “The Mourners of Zion: A Brief Biography of the Earliest Anti-Rabbis” (9:55-10:20)
Helen K. Bond, “Mark’s Gospel within the Context of Jewish Biography” (10:20-10:55)
Q-and-A (10:55-11:30)
Lunch – catered in conference room, 11:30-1:15
Session 4: Tuesday afternoon, 1:15pm-2:45pm (Chair: Cristina Florea)
Session title: “Jewish Biography and the Vernacular Subject”
Jeffrey Shandler, “Vos taytsh, a Biography of Yiddish?” (1:15-1:25)
Jonathan Boyarin, “Flayshman, or, A Modern Meeting” (1:25-1:50)
Q-and-A (1:50-2:45)
Concluding Remarks: Olga Litvak (3:00-3:30)
Register by Oct. 5 to attend this conference
This conference is organized by Jason Mokhtarian (near eastern studies), Lauren Monroe (near eastern studies), Olga Litvak (history and Jewish studies), and Mayer Juni (history and Jewish studies).
Sponosred by the Jewish Studies Program
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