AMR 2024 Symposium: Integrated Approaches to Predict and Prevent AMR Pandemics, May 21-22
Wednesday, May 22, 2024
About this Event
606 Tower Road, Ithaca MAY 21
Session 1: AMR Education and Communication
“Breaking Down Barriers to Sustainable Antimicrobial Use in Cats”
- Amelia Greiner Safi and Casey Cazer
"Influences of scientific storytelling and visual narratives on antimicrobial resistance"
- Meghan McGillin and Megan Keller
“Bridging borders, battling bacteria: The UK's AMR National Action Plan and its international efforts across research, policy, and education”
- Garrett Dunlap
Session Keynote
"All the mutants we could not see: Deep mutagenesis of antibiotic binding-site"
Dr. Aviram Rasouly, Senior Research Scientist, New York University & Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Session 2: Detection, Discovery and Delivery
“integrated phenotypic and activity-based profiling of electrophilic fragments reveals new druggable targets for antibiotics development”
- Mikail Abbasov
“Antimicrobial resistance in the Fire Blight pathogen Erwinia amylovora: More than 10 years of Research Discoveries, Commercial Detection, and Extension Deliverables”
- Kerik Cox
“Delivering antibiotics across the eardrum by harnessing immune cells”
- Rong Yang
"From the soil to the clinic, towards an understanding of triclosan resistance in Stenotrophomonas species"
- Anthony Hay
“RNA liquid biopsy for infectious disease”
- Iwijn De Vlaminck
“Detection of β-lactam resistance in staphylococci: it’s enough to mec you crazy”
- Lars Westblade
Session 3: Origins and Mechanisms of Resistance and Tolerance
“Heightened sensitivity to β-lactam antibiotics due to metabolic dysregulation”
- John Helmann
“Incorporating resilience to antimicrobial resistance in early drug discovery efforts”
- Brian VanderVen
“The role of lipid A-modifying phosphoethanolamine transferases in polymyxin resistance”
- Anna Schumann
“Understanding salmonella capsule variations: Impact on virulence and intervention strategies”
- Gi Young Lee
“From Commensal to pathogen: Role of enterococcal metabolic programming during surface penetration
- Diana Morales
Session Keynote
“Phenotypic screening approaches for discovering mechanistically novel antibiotic leads to combat AMR”
Dr. Terry Roemer, Chair and Chief Scientific Officer, Prokaryotics, Inc.