Cornell University
Risley Hall, Risley Dining Room View map Students on Meal Plan: 1 Meal Swipe, Door Price $20.90 (tax included), Children $10.45 (tax included), BRBs $18.97, Meal Choice $18.80 (tax included).

Risley Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA

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Once a year we transform Risley Dining Room into a magical world! Our special menu includes Carved Roast Beef, Yorkshire Pudding, Fish and Chips, Madame Sprout's Mandrake Scream, Herbology Salad with Liquid Luck Vinaigrette, Sautéed Gilly Weed, Cock-a-Leekie Soup, Snape's Favorite Tartlets, Hagrid's Chocolate Trifle with Toffee Crunch, Petunia's Pudding, Polyjuice Potion, Butterbeer, and of course many more magical creations!

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