Book Talk: Civic Ecology: Adaptation and Transformation from the Ground Up
Thursday, April 9, 2015 4pm to 5pm
About this Event
Cornell University Mann Library, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA around the world are coming together to rebuild and restore local environments that have been affected by crisis or disaster. In New Orleans after Katrina, in New York after Sandy, in Soweto after apartheid, and in many more cities, people work together to restore nature, renew communities, and heal themselves.
Join us in Mann Library for a Chats in the Stacks book talk with Marianne Krasny, professor of natural resources and director of Cornell's Civic Ecology Lab. Her new book Civic Ecology: Adaptation and Transformation from the Ground Up (MIT Press, January 2015) offers stories about this emerging grassroots environmental stewardship and includes a framework for understanding this growing international phenomenon.
The book is coauthored by Keith Tidball and used for MOOC class "Civic Ecology: Reclaiming Broken Places." Their research investigates how people, practices, and communities interact to produce successful outcomes.
This event is hosted by Mann Library. Buffalo Street Books will offer books for purchase and signing. Light refreshments served.
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