Cornell University

Ward O’Hara Agricultural and Country Living Museum & Dr. Joseph F. Karpinski Sr. Educational Center, 6880 East Lake Road (Rt 38A), Auburn, NY 13021
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Please use this form to register up to 3 birds for the Cayuga County 4-H Poultry show details below. If you have additional birds; please submit and continue to fill out this form. Please see the Cayuga County 4-H Poultry Animal Science Fairbook for class descriptions. All entries are due by June 30th. There is a limit of 7 birds that a youth may actually bring to Youth Fair. All birds must be at least 4 months of age.

The Cayuga County 4-H Poultry Show is scheduled to begin at 1:30pm on Saturday, July 27, 2019.

Please see the Cayuga County Poultry 4-H Animal Science Fairbook for class descriptions. All entries are due by June 30, 2019.

The exhibitor is responsible for the car of his/her birds.

The Cayuga County 4-H Poultry Show is scheduled to begin at 1:30pm on Saturday, July 27th.

Poultry should be in place by Thursday, July 27th for display during the Youth Fair Event. If you have special accommodations, please submit these requests in writing to have this requirement waived. All requests must be made in writing and submitted to CCE Cayuga by July 8th.

Please see the Cayuga County Poultry 4-H Animal Science Fairbook for class descriptions. All entries are due by July 8, 2019.


Committee in charge reserves the right to refuse to accept for exhibit any birds showing disqualifications, evidence of disease, parasites or lack of maturity.

All exhibitors must furnish their own hutches and crates. There are no cages available! The exhibitor is responsible for the care of his/her birds.
All birds removed from exhibit should be isolated from the home flock for 3 weeks.
GENERAL DISQUALIFICATIONS: Birds having any of the following deformities or defects shall be disqualified.

General deformities:

Crooked back
Deformed beak
A wing showing clipped flights or secondary
Split wing
Slipped wing
Twisted wing or tail feathers
Entire absence of main tail feathers
Decidedly wry tail (crooked)
Decidedly squirrel tail (perpendicular to the back)


Looped comb on single
comb varieties except Mediterranean females
Rose comb falling to one side or so large as to obstruct sight
Side springs in all single comb varieties
Split comb
Comb foreign to breed
Absence of spike on rose comb


Positive enamel white in face of Mediterranean cockerels & pullets
Positive enamel white in the ear lobe of males and females of American breeds

Shanks and Toes:

Stubs, feathers, or down on shanks, feet or toes of clean shanked birds
Leg or toe color foreign to the breed


Red or yellow feathers in any black variety
Brown or buff in quills or primaries or secondary of white variety
Foreign color in any part of the plumage of white varieties except gray ticking

Fitting & Showmanship

Novice Division

Novice Division
Members exhibiting a specific species for first time at a Cayuga County 4-H Youth Fair show. Youth may show in appropriate age division
Junior or Senior if desired
Junior Division

Junior Division

13 years of age or younger as of Jan. 1 of current year

Senior Division

14 years and under 19 as of Jan. 1 of current year.


The member will be required to remove his bird from the coop, handle the bird and answer questions. A leaflet on poultry showmanship is available from the Cornell Cooperative Extension 4-H office.

**A specimen one year or more in age should be considered a cock or a hen. Specimens under 1 year of age should be considered a cockerel or a pullet. There is a limit of 2 entries per class (not per breed), and an overall limit of 7 per specie show.

The following classes are available for STANDARD Breeds, BANTAM Breeds and GUINEA Fowl


Only chickens listed in the American Standard of Perfection will be accepted in these classes. This includes large fowl and bantams. All chickens in these classes will be judged according to the American Standard of Perfection. Birds shown in these classes may not be shown in other classes.

PRODUCTION CLASSES - Birds for egg production may be either purebred varieties or crossbred stock. These birds will be judged on HEALTH, VIGOR & EGG PRODUCTION CHARACTERISTICS. Birds shown in these classes may not be shown in other classes.


MEAT PRODUCTION CLASS - LIVE BIRDS - Birds for meat production may be either purebred varieties or crossbred stock. These birds will be judged on HEALTH, VIGOR & MEAT PRODUCTION CHARACTERISTICS. Birds shown in these classes may not be shown in other classes.

Roasters/12-20 weeks (must be at least 16 weeks of age by June 15th for Youth Fair show)
Fowl over 20 weeks

DUCK CLASSES - All ducks are shown singly (Duck or Drake). Any standard breed (no crossbreeds)

Old Drake - male over 1 year of age
Young Drake - male under 1 year of age
Old Duck - female over 1 year of age
Young Duck - female under 1 year of age

GEESE CLASSES - All geese are shown singly (Goose or Gander). Any standard breed (no crossbreeds).

Old Gander
Young Gander
Old Goose
Young Goose


Young Tom
Young Hen

HOMEMADE CRATE - Member must make his/her own crate to qualify. You must make out a double entry card for this, if you are to receive the award. (Limit: 1 entry per exhibitor.)

COSTUME CLASS - Limit 1 entry per exhibitor.


For 4-H Cloverbuds, enrolled in a poultry project area. Pre-registration is required.
Bird can be any breed.
Bird does not need to be owned by the exhibitor as long as it is manageable.
All exhibitors will receive participation ribbons.
A parent/guardian or older senior 4-H member must be present to assist the youth.

2019 Youth Fair Schedule

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