Cornell University

Ward O'Hara Agricultural Musuem, 6880 East Lake Rd, Auburn.
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Please use this form to register one animal for the Cayuga County 4-H dairy cattle show. If you have additional cattle; please submit and continue to fill out this form. Please see the Cayuga County 4-H Animal Science Fairbook for class descriptions.

4-H Animal Science Fairbook:

4-H Animal Science Fairbook:


(1) Unless otherwise noted, each exhibitor is limited to 2 entries per class.
*For Milking Classes only, 4-H Youth will exhibit these animals into the Open Dairy Show for bagging purposes. 4-H Youth will receive their respective 4-H ribbons.

Dress: All exhibitors should wear white shirts (long or short sleeve) and pants when possible. No emblems, farm names/logos are permitted. Exhibitors should also wear a durable shoe, preferably boots.

Classes Available for Each Breed: Ayrshire, Brown Swiss, Guernsey, Holstein, Jersey and Milking Shorthorn
Spring Heifer Calf, born after Feb. 28th of the current year*
Winter Heifer Calf, born after Nov. 30 (previous year) & before March 1 of the current year
Fall Heifer Calf, born after Aug 31 (previous year) & before Dec 1 (previous year)
Summer Yearling Heifer, born after May 31 (previous year)-September 1 (previous year)
Spring Yearling Heifer (not in milk) born after Feb 29 (previous yr) & before June 1 (previous year)
Winter Yearling Heifer (not in milk), born after November 30 (2 years previous) & before March 1 (previous year)
Fall Yearling Heifer (not in milk) born after Aug 31 (2 yrs previous) & before December 1 (2 years pervious)
Fall Yearling Heifer (in milk) born after Aug 31 (2 yrs previous) & before Dec 1 (2 yrs previous)
Jr. 2-Year old Cow, born after Feb 28 (2 yrs previous) & before Sept 1 (2 years previous)
Sr. 2-Year old Cow, born after Aug 31 (3 years previous) & before March 1 (2 years previous)
Jr. 3-Year Cow, born after Feb 28 (3yrs previous) &before Sept 1 (3 years previous)
Sr. 3-Year Cow, born after Aug 31 (4 years previous) & before March 1 (3 years previous)
4-Year old Cow, born after Aug 31 (5 years previous) & before Sept 1 (4 years previous)
5-Year old Cow, born after Aug 31 (6 years pervious) & before Sept 1 (5 years previous)
Aged Cow, born before September 1 (6 years previous)
Dry Cow, 4 yr old and under, must have freshened at least once**
Dry cow, 5 years old & over**
Dam & Daughter Class
Family Herd Class, 3 animals owned by a family or individual, shown in their respective classes.

**Cows shown in dry cow classes may not show in milking classes. Dry cows not shown in these classes may show in milking classes. Best udder of each class will be designated in Milk Classes from 2 yr old on.

Fitting and Showmanship Classes

Novice Showmanship: Members exhibiting a specific species for first time at a Cayuga County 4-H Youth Fair show. Youth may show in appropriate age division - Junior or Senior - if desired Junior Showmanship: 13 years of age or younger as of Jan. 1 of current year Senior Showmanship: 14 years and under 19 as of Jan. 1 of current year.


For 4-H Cloverbuds, enrolled in a dairy cattle project area. Pre-registration is required.
Calf can be any breed but needs to be younger than mature breeding age.
Calf does not need to be owned by the exhibitor as long as it is manageable.
All exhibitors will receive participation ribbons.
A parent/guardian or older senior 4-H member must be present to assist the youth.

Please note: All animals will be vet checked this year. You may check out the NYS Animal Health Requirements at:

All entries are due by July 8, 2019.

There is a limit of 7 dairy animals that youth may actually bring to Youth Fair. All calves must be at least 4 months of age and have required cattle vaccines.

Please note: All animals will be vet checked this year. You may check out the NYS Animal Health Requirements at:

2019 Youth Fair Schedule

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