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Monroe County 4-H is continuing up a special interest club for young coders, ages 8-12!

Youth will learn more about coding, create their own games, and build upon their skills in this six-session series of virtual workshops with New York State 4-H Computer Specialist, Kat Leo. Participants should have some previous experience coding and familiarity with using Scratch.

The club will meet on two Tuesdays a month from May through July. May 11 & 25, June 8 & 22, July 6 & 20, from 6:30 – 7:30 pm. (Please note that May and June are the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, July is the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month.) Please register by Friday, May 7th. This is a short-term program where each session builds upon the last, so attendance at each session is highly recommended.

Participants must be 4-H members. There is an option to enroll at the time of registration. Enrollment fee is $20/youth, $50/family maximum. Fee waivers will be considered upon request.

Zoom meeting information will be emailed to participants prior to the meeting each week.

Email Jessica Reid at with any questions.

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