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Franklin County 4-H Presents:

Beyond Ready Series Part 1: Self-Management with Time & Money

This new series is geared for older youth ages 14-19. 

In this fast-paced world, we want our teens to be the most prepared for incoming adulthood. With this 6 workshop series, we hope to strengthen their skills or learn something new with topics like time management, self-care, job etiquette(resume writing, how to interview, etc.), basic auto care(changing a tire, checking fluids, etc.), outdoor survival, cooking with a budget, and cleaning(cleaner safety, what needs cleaning when, how to clean specific things, etc.)

This first workshop is about learning to self-manage with time and money. 

Date: Sunday, January 26th

Time: 1-3:00pm

Location: Malone Middle School in the cafeteria 

Fees: $5 per participant (you have the options to pay online, with cash, or by check)


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