2020 Dyson Map the Challenge Campus-Wide Case Competition
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
About this Event
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What is Map the Challenge?
Dyson’s Map the Challenge is a campus-wide competition that asks students and all Cornell University members to think differently about social and environmental change.
Map the Challenge is patterned after Map the System, a global competition established by The Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship, Oxford, UK. Designed in parallel with Dyson’s Grand Challenges initiative, the program underscores Dyson’s mission, “Our Business is a Better World” by highlighting UN PRIME sustainable goals and is one of the school’s most prestigious and comprehensive case events.
The judges for the competition include Dyson’s Dean Lynn Wooten, Dyson’s Leader in Residence Reggie Fils-Aimé ’83, as well as alumni, company representatives from lead firm(s), and executives from prominent companies. The competition is hosted by Dyson’s Director of Leadership Development, Professor Donna L. Haeger and Dyson’s Leadership Development Coordinator, Amber Richter.
Teams will select one of four UN PRME sustainable goals to explore, probe and research the connecting elements and factors around it from a systems perspective. Ultimately, teams present selected topic to judges in a way that informs such that people can understand, share, and learn.
Why use a mapping approach to solving problems?
Social change is complicated. Mapping is a way of understanding its complexities. It allows us to think about context and the many interacting factors that contribute to the development of economic forces, political movements or global trends. It provides methods and tools to understand the whole picture by removing silos and applying a systems approach.
Team Requirements:
- Teams are required to have 4 students each.
- Teams MUST have at least 1 Dyson student, but no more than 1 MS, MPS, or Ph.D. student each.
- Only ten teams will be accepted to compete. Registration is on a first-come, first-served “time-stamped” basis.
- Team Registration begins at 8:00am on Monday, December 9, 2019! The team’s designated captain will complete an online registration form and submit their team’s name, along with each member’s full name, NetIDs, college/school name, and academic term: https://cornell.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8o9D7xXWVUdRmp7
- Teams are not permitted to discuss the competition with anyone other than their teammates or consult with a prior participant(s). Doing so will be considered a violation of Cornell University’s Code of Academic Integrity.
- Teams are to attend a MANDATORY Workshop on Friday, February 7, 2020, in Warren Hall from 6:00-8:00pm with Denise Ramsey to learn about Systems Thinking.
Deadlines (Detailed Timeline is Attached):
- Teams can begin working on their project immediately after the Friday, February 7th Workshop at 8:00pm.
- DEADLINE for submitted materials are to be sent to amber.richter@cornell.edu NO LATER THAN Wednesday, February 13, 2020 at 8:00pm.
- Team presentations will be held Friday, February 14th from 2:30pm-5:00pm in Warren Hall.
Guidelines and Judging:
- Dress Code: Business
- What to bring: 5 copies of your presentation slides, as well as a backup of your deck on a USB flash drive. Please note that you and your team must not change or edit your slides in any way between the Wednesday, February 13th, 8:00pm submission time and your presentation slot on Friday, February 14th.
What to know:
- Teams are expected to take a systems thinking approach to their research analysis and present their findings in three ways: 1. Visual Systems Map, 2. Written Summary of your research, and 3. Bibliography pertaining to ONE of 4 sustainable goals from Grand Challenges that the Map the Challenge (MTC) Committee pre-selects
- Teams should prepare for a 5-minute presentation followed with 5-minutes of Q&A
Judging will be based on the following criteria:
- The content of your analysis and your ability to answer questions related to the project.
- How well you were able to integrate what you have learned into your analysis.
Cash Prizes:
- 1st Place Team: $2,000
- 2nd Place Team: $1,000
- 3rd Place Team: $500
Questions? Contact Amber Richter 254-8259, amber.richter@cornell.edu
Best of luck to all teams!
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