Cornell University

Free Event

For the first time ever, the Quivira CoalitionHolistic Management International, and the American Grassfed Association will collaborate to convene ranchers, farmers, environmentalists, land managers, students, teachers, and others for a three-day conference October 31 to November 2, 2018 in Albuquerque, New Mexico to to explore ideas of regeneration.

To many people regenerative agriculture means land management practices that build soil health, crop resilience and nutrient density as a way to rebalance the carbon cycle, all in response to the threat of climate change and/or a failing agricultural system. In essence, regenerate means to bring renewed life and vigor into an organism or system. How do we nurture diversity and build resilience not only in soil, but also socially, economically, and personally? What are the critical connections between soil, people, and planet? How do truly regenerative food and agricultural systems work? And, what are the ways that individuals and communities can help create them? What is at the heart of the practice of regenerative agriculture?

During this three-day event ranchers, farmers, environmentalists, food producers and distributors, health experts, and others will offer long-form plenary talks, cross-sector panel discussions, and in-depth roundtable sessions on everything from the connection between soil and gut health to no regrets investment in land to interdisciplinary soil health research to wildlife habitat and stock density.

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