About this Event
June 11-20, 2019
WELCOME TO CPSS 2019! Organized by the Dynamics, Probability and PDE's in Pure and Applied Mathematics Research Training Group.
More information will be added as it comes available. Please refer to Cornell Probability Summer School for more detailed information and continued updates on CPSS registration, housing, program schedule, etc.
Registrations for CPSS and on-campus housing are now open! Please go to the link above to register. Registration deadline is June 7th.
Program of Talks and Activities
All talks will be held in Malott Hall. Titles, abstracts, and links associated with each speaker will be posted soon at the link provided above.
Social Events
Wednesday, June 12, 5:00-6:15 p.m.
Reception in the 5th floor lounge of Malott Hall
Saturday, June 15, 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Barbecue at the Big Red Barn - Registration is required and is now open! Please go to the general CPSS website at Cornell Summer Probability Summer School for more information on how to register.
Main Lecturers
Three main lecturers will give 75-minute lectures:
Vadim Gorin (MIT), TBA
Kavita Ramanan (Brown), Scaling Limits of Interacting Particle Systems on Large Sparse Graph
Nikolay Tzvetkov (Université Cergy-Pontoise in France), Random data Hamiltonian PDEs
*Gorin and Tzvetkov will lecture during the first week, Ramanan in the second week.
Invited talks by:
Andrew Ahn, MIT
Ankan Ganguly, Brown University
Giuseppe Gennovese, University of Zurich
Yin-Ting Liao, Brown University
Chenmin Sun, Université de Cergy-Pontoise
The scientific organizers are Laurent Saloff-Coste, Phil Sosoe, and Lionel Levine.
For mobility or other accommodations, please contact Heather Peterson.
This meeting is partially supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation to the probability group at Cornell University.
Thanks also to the staff at the Cornell Department of Mathematics for handling much of the organization of the meeting.
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